Dental Care

Tips on Preparing for Your Teeth Whitening Appointment

Written by Beaches Gentle Dentistry Jun 24 • 1 minute read

Are you unsatisfied with the brightness of your smile? If so, teeth whitening could be an option for you. To achieve the best results possible, take a few preparatory steps before your appointment. The following are a few ways you can improve your teeth’s outcome by preparing for a whitening procedure.

Undergo a Dental Evaluation
Dental discoloration can occur for many reasons. Visit us to determine whether teeth whitening is a good option for you. If staining is present deep within a tooth, which can be caused by decay or dental trauma, it will not be affected by a whitening treatment. In this case, you may need to consider other types of procedures, such as porcelain veneers.

Choose a Shade

teeth whitening Shade guides are used by dentists to help patients receiving whitening treatment find their desired enamel color. Many people shy away from ultra-white shades because they don’t appear natural and because they are also harder to achieve with extensive discoloration. A shade guide is also useful after the procedure, as it serves as a visual representation of how much whiter your teeth have become.  

Change Your Toothpaste
Is tooth sensitivity an issue for you? If so, you may want to start using a desensitizing toothpaste before your whitening treatment. Increased sensitivity can occur after teeth whitening since the same chemicals used to remove surface stains can also impact the enamel. Talk to your dentist about any concerns, as the whitening solution can be altered to suit a patient’s needs.

Ready to brighten your smile? Call (904) 853-6888. Teeth whitening can do more than just lighten your teeth. This procedure also boosts confidence so patients can present the best possible image of themselves to the world.

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